Interior Decorator / Colour Consultant

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Friday 9 September 2011

"Recession Tips for Interiors"

TIP 1 - Planning
This is vital as it saves you time; energy and money. You will be surprised of how much you can save by Planning. With everything from Meal-plans to Decor plans. When you go to the store only buy what you need and stick to your Plan. Always take a List.
The same with Decor - My golden rule is do one room at a time. Do it until it's complete - from the Flooring to the last Accessory. You will see how you will progress through your home without you realising the constraints. Remember: There is no rush - you do it at your pace and within your Budget. Do not be tempted by these "High-end Stores" with "Glamorous Displays" - ask yourself these questions - "Is that me? or "Could I live without this?" And  "I'm I going to still love this over time?" If most of the answers are "maybe" or "no" then you best walk away...and revert back to your original "Plan".

TIP 2 - Yard Sales
Visit garage sales as you never know what you could find there. Or even one better - hold a "Yard Sale" of your own. Gather up all the stuff that you know is not worth preserving - and you could generate some cash to go towards your "Decor Budget". It is also a great way to "Spring Clean" and get rid of all the old stuff and create space for the new. Like on "Clean house" - whatever you don't sell give it to a Charity. Don't keep unnecessary stuff that takes up space and clutters your home.

TIP 3 - D.I.Y
Before you decide to throw out "Grand-ma's" old chair - you could also look at recovering or doing a paint technique on it to revive the look. Sometimes just a good sand down; a new updated fabric and a stain with a lick of varnish could be a good face lift for any solid piece. If you're going to be Re-painting - look at doing it yourself. You will save loads of money - Just remember to go to your local Paint store for the Right Advice in Preparation and Products required for the Job.

TIP 4 - Accessorize
Adding Colour in accessories and Co-ordinates could change the look of any room.
In Bathrooms : Co-ordinating your colours with a selection of  matching Towels and Bath mats.
In Bedrooms : Colour co-ordinating your bedding and accessories like lampshades;cushions and bed-throws.
In T.V. Lounges : A Collection of Old Movie Posters placed in Frames creates a "Theatre Feel" to any Lounge and it stirs-up great conversation. Most Movie Houses will be glad to give these away - so all you would need is a solid Frame to place them in.

 In Studies: The same concept as the Posters - but you could collect Old maps or Stamps. Make Colour copies of these and Hang them in a Grouping on the Wall.
In Kitchen : Plants and Accessories like Dish Towels; Aprons and Mittens are always a winner with  creating a refreshing look. Try making your own co-ordinates - this will save you lots of money. You will even find your friends asking where you got them from...A business opportunity maybe??
In Dining Area: Do slip-covers for "Dining-chairs" - this not only gives you an option of inter-changing your Look but it costs a lot less that replacing the Full Chairs altogether. You could also do this for your sofa's whereby you have slipcovers made-up to have a "Seasonal Look".(Design permitting that is...)

These are just a few small; cost effective ways of changing the Atmosphere and Feel to any Room.

Tip 5 - Go Green

"Idea from Apartment Therapy Blog"
 Re-use old coffee tins by planting herbs in them - you could display them on a window sill or freshen up your garden. Collect assorted glass bottles; swirl some paint in it and place it on a display shelf - It's a cost effective way of adding Colour to a Wall.

"Idea from Pinterest Blog"

Try and  REMEMBER:
Recycle;Re-use;Re-vamp; Re-purpose; Re-juvenate; Re-position or Re-place.

Happy Spring Cleaning:-)...'Til next time...FK
"Just Love this Chalked-out Welcome Mat" - Recession Tip#6

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