Interior Decorator / Colour Consultant

"Let me assist you with Colour Advice and all your Decor Queries..."

Friday, 20 April 2012

"Brush-strokes Display"
Brush-strokes ~ "The Inspiration"
Sometime in February I had posted about a fabric from "Prestigious Fabrics" called "Brushstrokes". It has Inspired me so much that I just had to display it in my Front Window.


Here's how it turned out...

Hope you like it...'Til next time...FK:-)

Thursday, 19 April 2012

"Colin and Justin"

I just love the Work of Celebrity Designer's Colin and I have decided to dedicate this post to them. I absolutely love their "Before and After" Display of their work done and this has Inspired me soooh much! I have vowed that from now on I will take pictures "before" I attempt any Project and ensure "after" pictures on completion.

"Bedroom  - Before"

"Bedroom 1 - After"

"I love the idea of framing your Plasma TV" 

"Outdoor Patio - Before"

"Outdoor Patio - After"

"Retro-Inspired Interiors"

"Orange - Pantone Colour of 2012"

  I also love their use of Colour and how their Interiors have a  certain Flow...from Design Lines to Lighting...Everything works harmoniously together...Good Job Guys...You are an Inspiration to us all...Happy Decorating...'Til next time...FK:-) 

"For the Love of Pink..."

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

"Colour Match"

"Benjamin Moore - Wythe Blue(HC-143)"
Matched up in Dekade -Glacial Lake (8514-1)
Matched up in Dulux -Jewelled Creek 4(30BG 56/097)
 I absolutely love this Colour...It is one the most "Peaceful" and "Serene" colours you can find. I also find that it is one of those Colours which works very well with Neutral Tones from All White Hues to Shades of Beige.

Take a Look at these Colour Schemes where this Colour was best used....

"Used as the Perfect Back-drop Colour on an All White Sideboard"
(I love the Styling of the All White Plates;Jugs&Platters)

One of my Olioboards using this Colour
Hope you've been Inspired...Why not paint your Guest Bedroom or Diningroom with this Colour...This sure is one versatile Colour and could work in any Room in your house...'Til next time...FK:-)

"Colour Combinations with Wythe Blue"

Thursday, 5 April 2012

"Happy Easter"

Many of us celebrate Easter as a religious holiday...We commemorate the sacrifice that God made for us through His Son who died for Our Sins...It is a time when families get together and share in the Spirit of the Risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Some of us who have kids enjoy preparing for Easter Egg Hunts...and seeing the Joy and Smiles on their faces.

But whatever you do this Easter...Make time for Family and Friends and Celebrate Life Renewed...May the Peace of the Lord be with you this Easter...'Til next time...Have a Blessed Easter...:-)FK.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

"Colour Match"

"Tangerine Tones"
Just a mid-week "Colour Match". Have you ever thought of Painting your entrance a "Orange or Tangerine Tone"....Don't be afraid of Colour - teamed up with Green and Brown this Colour is Vibrant and Full of Life.
"Benjamin Moore - Electric Orange"

Why not also look at other Colour Combo's Like Orange and Turquoise....

"Orange and Turquoise Colour Combination"

"Orange and Grey"

"Orange Garage Doors"

Well hope you were Inspired to try out the Colour Of 2012-Tangerine....'Til next time...Have fun with Colour....FK:-)