Interior Decorator / Colour Consultant

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Monday 12 December 2011

"Count-down to Christmas"

"Christmas is my Favourite time of the Year"

I love Christmas time and I always plan way in advance so that I don't get caught up with the hussle and bussle of the Season. We sometimes find ourselves so caught up with what to do and so little time to do it in-we often forget the "True meaning" of the Celebration. For me - Christmas is a time for "family and friends". It's a time to think of others before yourself - those less fortunate.It's a time of Rest and Enjoyment. But most of all it is a time of commemorate the Birth of our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ.

With taking all of the above into consideration - I often do a "Spring Clean" so that I can get rid of all the unnecessary clutter - I donate all my un-used stuff to Charity. This also prepares you for all your guests you expecting during this time. We find ourselves wanting to Re-paint; Add extra scatters here and there; do up the Guest Room; maybe some wallpaper and so on and so on...This is when the panic sets in - We don't take it easy...and Relax. We want everything to be Perfect. We can also loose focus and this can be a very stressful time for many.

"Traditional Christmas Table-setting"
"Everything must have a Flow and co-ordinate with the rest of the Room"

I try and focus on the "Day" - like presents, dinner preparations etc...I love table settings so this is were all my attention goes. From the table decor-centre-pieces to the tree and presents everything must co-ordinate and flow with the rest of the room.

I love wrapping presents - I always add something extra on the tags - like a candy stick or treat and the kids look so forward to that more so than the gift inside.
"Lovely Gift Wrap"
"Christmas Crafy Ideas"
(Check out:
"Co-ordinating Red and White Christmas Gift Wrap"
"Great Idea: Christmas Boots instead of Stockings"

Seasons Greetings to you all...:-) "Til next time.FK.